Registered Massage Therapy

Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) are health care professionals educated in assessing and effectively treating various conditions through manual therapy techniques. RMTs follow a set standard of professional practices set out by the College of Massage Therapy of British Columbia to help RMTs deliver safe, ethical, and effective care.

Massage therapy can affect an individual both physically and psychologically. Massage therapy can break the pain tension cycle, reduce anxiety and decrease muscle tension by regulating and bringing balance to the nervous system. Additionally, massage therapy can help in injury prevention, pain management, improving range of motion, reducing scar tissue formation and help with circulation. Conditions often treated include compression syndromes to nerves, whiplash, arthritis, cancer, sports injuries, headaches, pregnancy, scar tissue post-surgery, frozen shoulder, and overuse injuries.

In your session, you can expect your RMT will review your health history, provide an assessment, treatment, and home care. If you have any questions and want to know if we are the right fit for you please do not hesitate to reach out and send us an email at