Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy is an amazing and natural physiological process and during this time you may start to feel different types of tensions as your body prepares for labour. This might look like discomfort in the pelvis, low back pain, rib discomfort, altered breathing patterns, flattened arches in the feet, nerve pain, swelling in the limbs, and cramping. Massage therapy can reduce your symptoms by relieving stress on weight bearing joints, decreasing muscle tension, improving circulation, and calming the nervous system. Depending on where you are in your pregnancy a specific pillow is used that helps support your belly. As you progress through your pregnancy you may find you are comfortable in different positions and we have a variety of ways to accommodate that. We offer a clinical approach where the goal is to give you patient-centered care by providing a safe and effective treatment. We use a combination of deep tissue massage techniques and relaxation to give you an overall feeling of well-being.

Post Natal Massage

Many women during the postpartum period may have a unique set of physical changes. After you give birth you may notice old pains have gone away and new tensions have developed. This can be due to different demands being placed on the body from breastfeeding, holding a baby, hormonal shifts, and general stressors from having a newborn.

The postpartum period is a profound time for moms who are changing physically and emotionally, so it’s important to take the time for self-care. Massage Therapy helps bring awareness to the body and to reconnect moms to themselves. Massage can help make changes in postural and structural function, calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and promote physical and emotional nurturing. Just like in a pre-natal Massage we treat the symptoms as they arise and come up with a treatment plan that best suits each client’s individual needs.

If it is difficult for new moms to take time away from their newborns, I invite them to bring little ones in during treatment. Please just send me a quick email or note in your Jane app account.

Cesarean Scar

Cesarean section is major abdominal surgery, during surgery the incision is made through seven layers of tissue. While the incision heals, oftentimes the body will lay down irregular fiber patterns forming scar tissue and creating fascial shortening. This shortening can create different holding patterns that affect the stability and support of your body. Massage therapy can be effective at realigning these fibers by promoting healthy tissue formation, decreasing pelvic pain, decreasing numbness, and correcting compensating patterns.

Nichole has taken additional training in treating this type of incision. Please connect with her if you have any questions about this treatment.